CRC announces new and updated projects

The Coastal Resilience Center of Excellence (CRC) has updated project information for the fifth year of its grant through the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Science & Technology Directorate (DHS S&T), Office of University Programs, as it continues work on research and education to protect coastal residents and property.

Among the changes is the addition of two projects under the Coastal Hazards Modeling category, which focuses on improvements to models that project storm surge and inland flooding from tropical storms.

CRC, based at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC-CH), currently supports 17 core projects, 12 research and 5 education, as part of its FY2019 and FY2020 work. Eight projects – six research and two education – have completed their work as of July 1, 2018. CRC also currently supports DHS S&T’s Flood Apex program.

CRC’s projects are divided into four categories: Coastal Infrastructure Resilience, Building Resilient Communities, Coastal Hazards Modeling and Education & Workforce Development. In the coming year, researchers and educators will focus on the most effective ways to transition research outcomes, tools and guidance to end-users on the federal, state and local levels.

“As we enter the next stage of our DHS-funded work, we plan to put even more emphasis on delivering our products and tools to end-users,” said CRC Executive Director Tom Richardson. “We also want to institutionalize education programs that can become permanent parts of the university’s offerings to the next generation of hazards professionals.”

The Coastal Hazards Modeling project count has expanded to seven, with new projects from CRC Lead Investigator Rick Luettich (“ADCIRC Prediction System™ Development Coordination and Improved Connectivity with Hydrologic Models”) and Jason Fleming of Seahorse Coastal Consulting (“The ADCIRC Surge Guidance System as a Conduit for Innovation”). All projects in this category focus on improving the capabilities of the ADCIRC Prediction System™, adding inputs, improving speed and creating a business model for sustained operations. The full list of projects also includes:

Dan Cox of Oregon State University and John van de Lindt of Colorado State University lead the CRC’s Coastal Infrastructure Resilience project, “Experimental and Numerical Study to Improve Damage and Loss Estimation Due to Overland Wave and Surge Hazards on Near-Coast Structures.” The project will continue to focus on improving coastal damage and loss estimation by advancing the fragility calculations used in the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Hazus-MH model.

Four active projects are under the Building Resilient Communities heading:

Five active education projects will continue building degree programs intended to diversify the homeland security workforce. They are:

To read more about these projects and researchers, visit the CRC Investigators page. To see a map of where they work, visit