Thriving through the storm

Hurricane Florence (2018), as captured over North Carolina by NASA satellites.

Dr. Liping Liu of North Carolina A&T University, along with first-year graduate student Tiana Johnson (who is focusing on Applied Mathematics), and undergraduate senior Jackson Wiles (who is majoring in Physics) partnered with CRC’s Dr. Rick Luettich in this year’s Summer Research Team (SRT) program.

Class learns about UNC’s district energy system

UNC-Chapel Hill’s cogeneration plant. Photo from the North Carolina Legislature.

Have you ever wondered how your physics class is heated? How the student union stays cool in the summer? Or even just what powers the lights in the library? These questions might not seem that interesting, but when you consider that a campus like the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has more than 175 buildings to heat, cool and power, these questions become vital for sustainability.

Responding to community needs: Hurricane Matthew recovery and resilience in eastern North Carolina

Kofi Boone, Associate Professor and University Faculty Scholar in the Department of Landscape Architecture at NC State University, listens to residents and town officials in Princeville reflect on design options that highlight the town’s historical significance and importance of community. Photo by Josh Kastrinsky.

By Jessica Southwell This post originally appeared on the UNC Institute for the Environment blog. Jessica Southwell is Project Manager for the Hurricane Matthew Disaster Recovery and Resilience Initiative, and coordinates work in six communities in eastern North Carolina impacted by Hurricane Matthew. The Hurricane Matthew Recovery and Resilience Initiative is led by the Center … Read more