The CRC addresses Education and Workforce Development by formulating and delivering resilience-oriented undergraduate and graduate courses, concentrations, minors, certificates, training, and summer internship programs to establish a pipeline of well-qualified students prepared to enter the homeland security and engineering workforce. There is a strong emphasis among CRC’s education partners to engage with the community through outreach, service, and awareness programs.
CREATE: The Professional Development Pathway
Education for Improving Resilience of Coastal Infrastructure
Expanding Disaster Management Education
Completed Projects
Development and Testing of a Project Management Curriculum for Emergency Managers
Disaster Science and Management Program at LSU
Institutionalizing the Graduate Certificate in Disaster Resilient Policy, Engineering and Design
Integrating Colleges and Universities in FEMA Disaster Recovery Field Operations and Steady-State Preparedness
Ph.D In Engineering (Coastal Engineering and Computational Engineering) at an HBCU
Preparing Tomorrow’s Minority Task Force in Coastal Resilience Through Interdisciplinary Education
Review, Enhance and Stimulate the Coastal Engineering Concentration of MS/PhD Engineering Degree Programs
Stakeholder/End User Engagement Support of Two CRC Projects
The Creation of an Open Space Management Guide for Fema
This material is based upon work supported by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security under Grant Award Number 2015-ST-061-ND0001-01. The views and conclusions contained herein are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as necessarily representing the official policies, either expressed or implied, of the U.S Department of Homeland Security.