Attendees of the 2019 ADCIRC Users Group Meeting discuss computer models in between presentations. Photo by Chris A. Johns.


Education and Workforce Development

CREATE: The Professional Development Pathway

CREATE: The Professional Development Pathway

The CREATE-The Professional Development Pathway project is designed to increase awareness of Emergency Management-related academic disciplines and career opportunities through hands-on training and career exploration.
Damage at the El Mani coastal community in the aftermath of Hurricane María in September 2017. Photo by Ismael Pagán-Trinidad.

Education for Improving Resilience of Coastal Infrastructure

The University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez Coastal Resilience Center (UPRM-CRC), is a DHS university-led Center of Excellence Partner. It provides formal and professional education to stakeholders in the field of education for improving resilience of coastal infrastructure (RCI).
Laiju project image

Expanding Disaster Management Education

The Disaster Management certificate and minor’s education project will include research and classroom activities to educate and train students to address natural disaster vulnerabilities.
Participants in “A Project Management Framework for HM Disaster Functions,” a training course delivered by the University of Maryland, work through group assessment activities. Photo by Don Bouchard.

Development and Testing of a Project Management Curriculum for Emergency Managers

The goal of this educational work plan is to develop and test an educational and training curriculum that prepares professionals to manage and deliver disaster-related project.
LSU students visit the Baton Rouge Mayor’s Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness as part of Dr. Barry Keim’s project. Photo submitted.

Disaster Science and Management Program at LSU

This Coastal Resilience Center of Excellence project will solidify the institutionalization of the DSM program at Louisiana State University by making it an integral part of the Geography degree program.
Mecklenburg County Storm Water Engineering & Flood Mitigation Program Manager Tim Trautman explains the county’s buyout program to students in CRC researcher Dr. Gavin Smith’s “Natural Hazards and Climate Change” course during a trip to Charlotte on Nov. 9, 2018. Trautman explained the process by which half of an apartment complex east of downtown Charlotte was bought out and converted to a public park in the floodplain, increasing the value of some nearby homes. Photo by Josh Kastrinsky.

Institutionalizing the Graduate Certificate in Disaster Resilient Policy, Engineering and Design

This project aims to institutionalize the Graduate Certificate Program in Disaster Resilient Policy, Engineering and Design at NC State through interdisciplinary partnerships with faculty as well as federal, state, local and international partners, members of the private sector and graduate students participating in the certificate program.
A team of University of West Florida students, led by Dr. Kwame Owusu-Daaku (blue shirt, center), worked on a housing study for the Calhoun County, Fla., government following Hurricane Michael (2018).

Integrating Colleges and Universities in FEMA Disaster Recovery Field Operations and Steady-State Preparedness

This research project uses Hurricane Michael, a category 5 event which severely impacted counties of the Florida Panhandle, as a case study to examine FEMA NDRS processes to engage colleges and universities in disaster recovery field operations for the period November 2018 through October 2019.
JSU students

Ph.D In Engineering (Coastal Engineering and Computational Engineering) at an HBCU

This project focuses on strengthening and preserving institutionalization of the PhD in Engineering (Coastal Engineering and Computational Engineering concentrations) at Jackson State University.
Johnson C Smith students

Preparing Tomorrow’s Minority Task Force in Coastal Resilience Through Interdisciplinary Education

The purpose of the project is to introduce students to the software tools used to investigate and mitigate natural disasters.
From left: Nakarsha Bester, Donald Hendon and Chris Herron explain storm surge scenarios to former Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson, Secretary and U.S. Rep. Bennie Thompson of Mississippi's 2nd District, at Jackson State University. Bester, Hendon and Herron all received master's degrees in Engineering (Coastal Engineering concentration) as part of the JSU program.

Review, Enhance and Stimulate the Coastal Engineering Concentration of MS/PhD Engineering Degree Programs

Review and update the HBCU MS/PhD Engineering Programs with a Coastal Engineering concentration, focusing on natural disasters at JSU, to ensure they are formulated for success for the next decade.
Norfolk State University students Mikel Johnson and Raisa Barrera participated in a summer research team project at Old Dominion University in 2018.

Stakeholder/End User Engagement Support of Two CRC Projects

This project supported several Coastal Resilience Center (CRC) research and education projects, building on the project team’s expertise in stakeholder engagement, leveraging information already collected from initial case studies, and utilizing existing connections to stakeholders and possible end users in the Hampton Roads region.
The Creation of an Open Space Management Guide for Fema

The Creation of an Open Space Management Guide for Fema

This project will focus on the development and distribution of an Open Space Management Guide for home buyout properties and incorporate the findings into the Graduate Certificate Program in Disaster Resilient Policy, Engineering, and Design.