
Advancing ADCIRC Operations

Producing proven storm surge insight to empower decision makers


Strategic Vision: Truly informed leadership for hurricane response and recovery nationwide.

Mission: Producing proven storm surge insight to empower decision makers.

As the Transition PI team of the CRC, we have led the efforts to commercially deploy and operationalize the research products of the CRC to generate sustainable funding. To recap, in 2017, we founded Scimaritan, L3C as a not-for-profit organization and a legal vehicle to support the mission of commercial transition by bundling services into a client-centric service offering. Scimaritan is a privately owned small business, owned by the PI, domiciled in Louisiana, and it is treated as an LLC for tax purposes. It is also able to receive Program Related Investments (PRIs) from 501c3 non-profits (unlike a typical LLC). Scimaritan began collecting significant commercial revenue for real time storm surge model guidance in Louisiana immediately and has enjoyed continuously stable positive cash flow which will continue through the 2021 season.


Dr. Jason Fleming
Dr. Jason Fleming
Seahorse Coastal Consulting

Other Research Participants/Partners

  • Robert Twilley, LSU
  • Brian Blanton (RENCI)
  • Rick Luettich (UNC-CH)
  • Clint Dawson (UT)
  • Casey Dietrich, NCSU
  • Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC)
  • LSU Center for Computation and Technology (LSU CCT) with Carola Kaiser POC
  • Katelyn Costanza, CeHydro, LLC
  • Brett Estrade, Coastal Computing Services, LLC
  • Nathan Dill. Ransom Consulting, Inc.