
ADCIRC Prediction System Business Plan Development

Project Dates: 2019 – 2020


We intend to transition products and services associated with the real-time 24/7 ADCIRC Prediction Systemâ„¢ (APSTM), comprised of the ADCIRC Surge Guidance System (ASGS), the Coastal Emergency Risks Assessment decision support web portal (CERA) and the ADCIRC storm surge model. Based on several years of development and pilot testing supported by the Coastal Resilience Center of Excellence (CRC), we believe a base of stakeholders exists who place high value on the products and services the APSTM can provide.

The challenge is to develop a viable business model for the APSTM that will allow us to transition innovations from CRC projects into stakeholder desired products and services and to ensure their continued operation and expansion past the end of the CRC funding cycle in 2020.

Setting up the APSTM business model involves three primary activities: (i) the development of a business plan to support the APSTM ; (ii) the continued build out of the APSTM by transitioning recent CRC innovations into its product offerings; and (iii) stakeholder identification and the expansion of the stakeholder community via enhanced outreach and training activities. This scope of work describes the first of these activities, the development of an APSTM business plan.

The continued buildout of the APSTM and the identification / expansion of stakeholders are described in scopes of work to Seahorse Coastal Consulting (Jason Fleming, PI) and Louisiana State University, (Robert Twilley, PI).


Thomas Richardson
Tom Richardson
Jackson State University

Other Research Participants/Partners

  • Nancy Maron, Blue Sky to Blue Print, LLC
  • Jason Fleming, Seahorse Coastal Consulting
  • Carola Kaiser, Louisiana State University
  • Brian Blanton, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • Robert Twilley, Louisiana State University
  • Rick Luettich, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
A better weather forecast coming soon thanks to new federal funding