Buyouts, elevating, and floodproofing

Urban Search and Rescue Teams from Missouri Task Force 1 look for residents that may be stranded in a neighborhood that was flooded following Hurricane Matthew. A brick church is pictured here with water reaching its doors.


Buyouts, elevating, and floodproofing

Understanding the flood interventions for existing residential structures.


Communities in the United States within the Special Flood Hazard Area (100-yr flood zone) covered under the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) may be afforded the opportunity to secure funding for mitigation, particularly in the form of buyouts, elevation, or floodproofing interventions. However, it is unclear to what extent these issues may be exacerbated in communities between the 100-yr and 500-yr flood zones which are not covered under the NFIP and fall outside the purview of building codes for flood (e.g, ASCE 24).

In this project we propose to model two communities, one inland and one coastal, with a suite of flood and climate change scenarios. We will examine community resilience metrics for a range of flood interventions.


Other Research Participants/Partners

  • Todd BenDor (University of North Carolina)
  • Miyuki Hino (University of North Carolina)