CREATE: The Professional Development Pathway


CREATE (Community Resilience Enhancing Advanced Training & Education)

The Professional Development Pathway


The CREATE-The Professional Development Pathway project is designed to increase awareness of Emergency Management-related academic disciplines and career opportunities through hands-on training and career exploration. The project is also set to improve the retention and persistence of undergraduate and graduate minority students and promote a multi-disciplinary approach to education, community service, and research emergency preparedness and community resilience. Selected undergraduate students from Emergency Management academic programs associated with the CREATE Projects (i.e., Emergency Management Technology, Psychology, Computer Science, Meteorology, and Journalism and Media Studies) will collaborate with designated faculty and graduate students to conduct research on weather emergency prepared to produce peer referred journal publications, poster presentations, conference proceedings, presentations, etc. Participating in Interprofessional Education (IPE), community and service learning (S.L.) initiatives, and Community Based Participatory Research (C.B.P.R.) activities, will help to increase students’ competencies, research skills, and awareness of Emergency Management and Disaster Preparedness opportunities (current and projected).


Dr. Jessica Murphy
Dr. Jessica Murphy

Other Research Participants/Partners

  • Dawn McLin (Co-PI)
  • Don Spann (Co-PI)
  • Yalanda Barner (Co-PI)
  • April Tanner (Senior Personnel)
  • Elayne Hayes Anthony (Senior Advisor)
  • National Weather Service (NWS) (Bill Parker, Latrice Maxie, and NSW Staff) (Partners)
  • Mississippi Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) (Clayton French) (Supporter)
  • Dr. Laura Myers-University of Alabama (Partner/Advisor)
  • FEMA (Supporter), Mississippi Insurance Commission (Supporter)
  • Local Law Enforcement, Jackson Fire Department, and Local Emergency Management Professionals.