Building Community Resilience Through a Nation-Wide University Network and International Learning Laboratory


Building Community Resilience Through a Nation-Wide University Network and International Learning Laboratory


This project will develop and institutionalize an International Learning Laboratory, focusing on the identification of best practices advancing hazard mitigation grants management and planning activities. This information will be integrated into an ongoing effort currently in its first year of funding provided by FEMA, which focuses on the development of a nationwide network of university faculty and engagement experts in the US to assist under resourced communities write and implement Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) grants and hazard mitigation plans. The outputs of the International Learning Lab will be regularly incorporated into new training and outreach programs currently under development in what is called the University Direct Technical Assistance Network. The International Learning Lab in no way duplicates the Year 2 efforts of the University Direct Technical Assistance Network.


Dr. Gavin Smith
Dr. Gavin Smith
North Carolina State University

Other Research Participants/Partners

  • Federal Emergency Management Agency, including Eric Letvin, Camille Crain, Josh Human, and the FEMA international office
  • U.S. Universities (including Land Grant Universities, Minority Serving Institutions, state, and private universities)
  • North Carolina State University International Office
  • Andrew Gissing, Chief Executive Officer, Natural Hazards Research Australia (and their university partners)
  • Australia National Emergency Management Agency
  • Steve Dredge, Meridian Urban, Brisbane Australia. Dr. Wendy Saunders, New Zealand Earthquake Commission (EQC)
  • select New Zealand universities
  • New Zealand National Emergency Management Agency
  • Dr Maryam Imani, Associate Professor, Civil Engineering, coordinator of the inter-university consortium titled: Healthcare, Infrastructure, and Cultural Resilience – Anglia Ruskin University – Cambridge, England.