Expanding Disaster Management Education

Laiju project


Expanding Disaster Management Education


To create resilient communities, the focus must be on improving the situation of historically impacted people who are especially vulnerable during and after any natural disaster. The Disaster Management certificate and minor’s education project will include research and classroom activities to educate and train students to address such vulnerability. Students will understand its importance in hazard mitigation programs and policies and in the Homeland Security’s workforce. Also, Tougaloo College will explore the possibility of changing the minor to a degree-granting program. 


Dr. Meherun Laiju
Dr. Meherun Laiju
Tougaloo College

Other Research Participants/Partners

  • Internal collaboration with Humanities (English), Social Science (Economics, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology & Social Work, Natural Science (Biology & Physics)
  • External Collaboration with local Emergency Management Agencies & Law Firm