The primary goal of this project is to develop and implement enhanced modeling capabilities of the ADCIRC Prediction System and its applications for real-time forecasting of hazards and impacts during hurricanes and nor’easters in Southern New England. In collaboration with the Austin Becker project, we have developed the Coastal Hazards Analysis, Modeling, and Prediction (CHAMP). This comprehensive system includes cascading consequences resulting from extreme weather affecting critical infrastructure such as wastewater treatment facilities, sewer systems, airports, and seaports. CHAMP can be effectively applied in both real-time emergency management and planning exercises. By involving end-users in data collection, the CHAMP outputs become directly relevant to emergency managers, assisting them in resource allocation and anticipating the challenges posed by imminent storms.
This Year 10 Project aims to:
- Improve the ADCIRC-WAVEWATCH III coupled system for tropical and extratropical cyclone modeling and real-time forecasting in collaboration with other DHS/CRC projects led by Rick Luettich and NOAA scientists.
- Expand the application of the Coastal Hazards Analysis, Modeling, and Prediction (CHAMP) to emergency management decision-makers and planners in Connecticut through a partnership with the CT Department of Environmental and Energy Protection and other agencies in CT.
- Expand the application of CHAMP to the United States Coast Guard (USCG) for assessment of risk to their facilities in Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts, including USCG Sector Southeastern New England and portions of Sector Long Island Sound.
Other Research Participants/Partners
- Tetsu Hara (Co-PI, URI/GSO)
- Greg Bonynge (URI Environmental Data Center, CHAMP manager)
- Pam Rubinoff (URI Coastal Resources Center)
- Graduate Student Researcher: Angelos Papandreou (PhD Candidate, URI/GSO)
- Graduate Student Researcher: Pranav Sai (MS student, URI/GSO)
- Austin Becker, URI Marine Affairs, PI of a companion DHS/CRC project
- Rick Luettich, DHS/CRC PI.