Ph.D In Engineering (Coastal Engineering and Computational Engineering) at an HBCU

JSU students


Ph.D In Engineering (Coastal Engineering and Computational Engineering) at an HBCU


This project focuses on strengthening and preserving institutionalization of the PhD in Engineering (Coastal Engineering and Computational Engineering concentrations) at Jackson State University. A steady output of MS Engineering degree graduates with a Coastal Engineering concentration focused on coastal natural disasters has been established to help increase the workforce in the greater Homeland Security enterprise. Years 4 and 5 produced five PhD students including two PhD Candidates. This additional year will enable establishment of a modest but steady pipeline of PhD graduates averaging one per year.


Robert W. Whalin
Dr. Robert W. Whalin
Jackson State University

Other Research Participants/Partners

  • US Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC), Vicksburg, MS
  • Texas A&M University at Galveston (TAMUG), Galveston, TX
Coastal Resilience Center – Dr. Robert Whalin