Stakeholder/End User Engagement Support of Two CRC Projects

Dr. Wie Yusuf (in red, front row), a co-PI from a CRC research program at Old Dominion University, poses with Johnson C. Smith students who are part of PI Dr. Hang Chen's CRC education program after her RETALK presentation in 2016.


Stakeholder/End User Engagement Support of Two CRC Projects

Project Dates: January 2016 – June 2018


This project supported several Coastal Resilience Center (CRC) research and education projects, building on the project team’s expertise in stakeholder engagement, leveraging information already collected from initial case studies, and utilizing existing connections to stakeholders and possible end users in the Hampton Roads region. Specifically, this included (1) organizing a panel for the Maritime Risk Symposium that addresses “Integrating Maritime and Costal Resilience;” (2) supporting stakeholder engagement and end user translation efforts of ‘The Incorporation of Rainfall into Hazard Estimates for Improved Coastal Resiliency’ project; (3) participating in a collaborative research project studying socio-ecological resilience with a team from Norfolk State University (NSU), a minority-serving institution, as part of the DHS Summer Research Team Program; and (4) hosting a summer research intern from Tougaloo College, a minority-serving institution. Overall, the project team engaged with the CRC and its projects by assisting with communications and engagement efforts and providing linkages between CRC research and education projects and Hampton Roads resilience initiatives.


Other Research Participants/Partners

  • Joshua Behr, Research Associate Professor, Virginia Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation Center (VMASC), Old Dominion University
  • Michelle Covi, Assistant Professor of Practice, Department of Ocean Earth & Atmospheric Sciences, College of Sciences, Old Dominion University and Virginia Sea Grant Extension