CRC prepares for annual summer research exchanges

CRC researchers from Oregon State University, along with OSU students and University of Puerto Rico-Mayagüez students taking part in the SUMREX exchange program, test the strength of a model structure in the OH Hinsdale Wave Research Laboratory in the summer of 2018. Students from UPRM will return there this summer. Photo submitted.

This summer, the CRC will continue its two annual summer exchange programs by facilitating research collaborations involving two Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs) and by sponsoring a student exchange program between May and August. The SUMmer Resesearch EXperience, or SUMREX, enters its fourth year with students from CRC-funded education programs visiting the campus sites of CRC … Read more

For third year, summer programs pair education projects with research

OSU Wave Tank: Model house vs. tsunami July 19, 2018

In a continuation of its exchange programs, the Coastal Resilience Center of Excellence (CRC) facilitated exchanges between students, faculty and research projects this past summer.

As part of the SUMmer Research Experience (SUMREX) Program, Bryan Acevedo-Marerro and Jorge Santiago-Hernández, civil engineering undergraduate students at the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez (UPRM) were hosted by PI Dr. Dan Cox of Oregon State University. Additionally, DaChawn Kincaid, a rising junior at Tougaloo College, traveled to Old Dominion University to work with co-PI Dr. Wie Yusuf.

Through SUMREX, CRC Education & Workforce Development partners arrange for one or more students to visit the home institution of participating CRC Research PIs for a summer research internship lasting between six and 10 weeks. Key to the program’s success is making the best match between the student interns and the research PIs, so that the students have the opportunity to become fully immersed in a research project.

CRC researchers from Oregon State University, along with OSU students and University of Puerto Rico-Mayagüez students taking part in the SUMREX exchange program, test the strength of a model structure in the OH Hinsdale Wave Research Laboratory in the summer of 2018.
CRC researchers from Oregon State University, along with OSU students and University of Puerto Rico-Mayagüez students taking part in the SUMREX exchange program, test the strength of a model structure in the OH Hinsdale Wave Research Laboratory in the summer of 2018. Photo submitted.

Acevedo-Marrero and Santiago-Hernández worked with Dr. Cox to build a 1:6 scale house for use in OSU’s wave lab, where researchers are trying to develop a more accurate method of creating damage and loss estimates for structures impacted by overland waves. The students performed quality control on data from the wave lab tests and developed a digital house model to test their conclusions.

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Puerto Rico project perseveres in the wake of María

Damage at the El Mani coastal community in the aftermath of Hurricane María in September 2017. Photo by Ismael Pagán-Trinidad.

Last spring’s graduating students at the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez (UPR-M) ended their semester a month later than usual, which was reflective of a school year that was far from normal. Plunged into darkness for weeks beginning in September 2017 and fighting a daily battle to return to normalcy, Puerto Ricans have been living an abnormal existence for a year since Hurricane María tore through the island last fall.

CRC students win honors, start careers in Homeland Security professional fields

Welch, right, visited the Maeslantkering storm surge barriers, which contains a two-armed flood control system spanning 360 meters (1,180 feet) across. Photo submitted.

Students involved in Coastal Resilience Center of Excellence (CRC) projects have been busy in the last several months – earning awards for their papers and presentations, interning with organizations in the homeland security arena and finding post-graduation positions that increase the nation’s resilience and that of coastal communities as a whole. Below are some snapshots … Read more

Coastal Resilience Center researchers ‘making waves’ in hurricane mitigation

Team members (left to right) William Short, Hyoungsu Park, Trung Do, Kevin Cueto, Tori Tomiczek, Diego Delgado, Dr. Pedro Lomonaco, Dr. Daniel Cox and Ben Hunter. Not pictured: Tim Maddux and Dr. John van de Lindt. Credit: Oregon State University
Team members (left to right) William Short, Hyoungsu Park, Trung Do, Kevin Cueto, Tori Tomiczek, Diego Delgado, Dr. Pedro Lomonaco, Dr. Daniel Cox and Ben Hunter. Not pictured: Tim Maddux and Dr. John van de Lindt. Photo via Oregon State University.


Researchers from Oregon State University and Colorado State University are conducting benchmark laboratory and numerical experiments to improve the resilience of coastal structures subject to hurricane waves and surge.

Principal investigator Dr. Daniel Cox and co-Principal Investigator Dr. John van de Lindt are concluding the first phase of a multiphase project titled “Experimental and Numerical Study to Improve Damage Due to Overland Wave and Surge Hazards on Near-Coast Structures.” The Coastal Resilience Center of Excellence (CRC) project includes three phases that will improve the estimation of damage based on overland surge and wave forces that can be used in risk-based design methodologies:

  • Physical modeling to quantify wave forces on elevated coastal structures based on a variety of wave and surge conditions and develop predictive equations for horizontal and vertical wave forces.
  • Develop fragility curves (statistical representation of vulnerability) for wave heights, pressures, or forces exceeding key damage thresholds.
  • Illustrate risk-informed design methodologies that can improve the resilience of near-coast structures vulnerable to hurricane effects.


The research team is comprised of collaborators from Oregon State University (OSU) and Colorado State University (CSU), including CSU graduate student Trung Do, OSU graduate student Ben Hunter, Dr. Pedro Lomonaco (OSU), Tim Maddux (OSU), OSU graduate student Hyoungsu Park, OSU graduate student William Short and OSU graduate student Tori Tomiczek. This summer the project involved DHS-sponsored graduate student Kevin Cueto and undergraduate student Diego Delgado from the University of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez (UPRM) during the summer as part of the CRC SUMmer Research EXperience (SUMREX) program. Through this program, students from CRC education partners, including UPRM, visit PIs from research partners to be involved in research projects and gain experience.

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UPR-Mayagüez students win regional engineering competition

University of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez’s award-winning team
University of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez's award-winning team
University of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez’s award-winning team. Photo submitted.

The Department of Civil Engineering and Surveying at the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez (UPR-M), home school of Coastal Resilience Center of Excellence (CRC) project Principal Investigator Ismael Pagán-Trinidad and Co-Principal Investigator Ricardo López, recently took first prize in a regional competition to build the best concrete canoe, steel bridge and other competitions. Professors Pagán-Trinidad (department chair) and López (department associate chair for research and graduate studies) direct the CRC project “Education for Improving Resiliency of Coastal Infrastructure.”

At the March 10-12 American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Southeast Student Conference 2016 at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa, AL, UPR-M, the civil engineering team, under the leadership and coordination of civil engineering and surveying students and mentor faculty, took overall first prize in a regional competition that judges all aspects of vessel design and use. The ASCE holds the three-day competition, which also includes students from Alabama, Florida, Georgia and Tennessee, annually. UPR-M won 17 prizes, nine of which were first prizes:

  • Balsa Bridge
  • Concrete Corn Hole
  • Steel Bridge Economy
  • Steel Bridge Construction Speed
  • Steel Bridge Overall
  • Concrete Canoe – Women’s Sprint
  • Concrete Canoe – Men’s Sprint
  • Concrete Canoe – Design Paper
  • Regional Competition Overall
Canoe design
A canoe design is shown from the regional competition. Photo submitted. Photo submitted.

“We are excited and proud of our students, faculty and sponsors,” Pagán-Trinidad said. “We have been in first place three times and second place twice in the last five years. It takes a lot of effort but more determination and passion from our students to even been able to participate, not to mention becoming champs.”

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